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Most Effective Odor Elimination Methods

Odors make it uncomfortable to stay in a place and cause health complications. They are subjective, and there is no standard way to measure the intensity like how people measure sound and light.

Sometimes, people might be tempted to use masking agents when the odors are not that strong. However, that does not eliminate the odor or any health complications associated with it. Because of that, the best and most effective way is to find the source and remove it.

Some of the methods that homeowners, business owners, or professional odor removal experts can use include:

Cleaning and scrubbing

This is the first option that people go for whenever they spot the source of the odor. To ensure effective results, people should use cleaning detergents and chemicals to remove all the malodors.

After cleaning, however, they should ensure they completely dry the surfaces to avoid mold, which could cause musty odors later.


Oxidation works by adding oxygen atoms to the odor molecules, changing their chemical composition. Ozone is one of the most common oxidation agents many people have used for the past decade.

When it mixes with water, it breaks down to oxygen and hydroxyl, and the oxygen atoms are transferred to the odor molecule. Its popularity has, however, declined because of health and safety concerns.

Other agents that people can use include sodium hypochlorite, potassium permanganate, and hydrogen peroxide.


As the use of ozone reduces in the market, hydroxyl is an alternative that has quickly become a preferred option to many people. After atomic fluorine, hydroxyls are the second strongest oxidants and are more effective than ozone.

This means they break down more pathogens and odors than ozone or other oxidation agents. While some professionals consider it safe to operate hydroxyl generators in occupied spaces, some prefer to wait until the spaces are clear. As the experts at Jon – Don Janitorial and Building Services recommend, “Hydroxyl generators use UV-C to remove orders and virus particles, and bacteria from the air.”


While other methods work by adding more agents and chemicals to the environment, this one works by pulling the odorous molecules out. Since a majority of the odor-causing compounds are organic, granulated activated carbon is one of the most effective absorption methods because of its effectiveness on organic odors.

One disadvantage of using granulated activated carbon is its fouling with liquid and solid substances. Some other solutions you can use include Damp Rid and Think Odor.


These are odor eliminator machines that release cold or hot fog to help eliminate odors and other pathogens. People can use paring agents, odor eliminators, or oxidizers in their foggers.


This is a natural and effective odor elimination technique for people who are conscious about adding chemicals to the environment. Microorganisms that occur naturally in the soil can break down odor-causing molecules, and some are commercially isolated and adapted to destroy urine-based odor.

However, people have to keep the substrate warm and moist, which creates the perfect environment for mold and mildew.

Odor neutralizers

These proprietary essential oils formulations form thin charged films around every droplet. The odorous molecules are then attracted to those films, and once they attach to the droplets, the essential oils capture and neutralize them.

According to Jon-Don, people can use sealers once they have successfully eliminated the odors to ensure they don’t return. These are mostly useful after eliminating fire-related odors.

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