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Why The Mold In Your Home Needs To Be Removed ASAP

If you notice mold and mildew in your bathroom, basement, or another area, you may give it little thought. However, this is a mistake. Since mold can damage your home and make you and your family sick, it needs to be removed as fast as possible.

What is Mold and Mildew?

If you know little about mold and mildew, you will be surprised to learn there are thousands of different types of mold and mildew. Yet despite this, mold and mildew have two things in common. First, they eat away at various things within our world. Second, both need moisture to exist.

As to what mold and mildew are, they are neither plants nor animals. Rather, they are microscopic organisms containing enzymes and spores. While the enzymes allow them to eat, spores let them reproduce, which is why mold and mildew can spread quickly throughout your home.

How Mold and Mildew Affect Your Home

Once mold and mildew decide to become permanent residents at your home, they will immediately go to work eating such things as drywall, insulation, wallpaper, the glue used to bond carpets and linoleum, and many other things in and around your home. 

Along with this, mold and mildew will give your home an unmistakable smell that will only disappear once you use mold remediation services of trained professionals such as those at 58 Foundation. If you choose to ignore your mold and mildew issues, the result will be a home that could ultimately become structurally unsound, which could lead to bigger and much more expensive, and serious problems.

How Mold and Mildew Can Make You Sick

Since many people are allergic to mold spores, chances are you and some of your family members could be severely impacted by the presence of mold and mildew in your home. Unfortunately, mold spores can stay suspended in the air for many hours, making them very easy to inhale. Should you do so and be sensitive to them, the result will be headaches, runny noses, coughing, and feeling as if you always have a low-grade case of the flu. 

If you have a baby in your house or others who are elderly or immunocompromised, they are at a much greater risk of getting sick and possibly even dying from mold and mildew, especially if you have a severe problem.

How to Get Rid of Mildew and Mold

To get rid of mildew and mold, you need to fix whatever problem is allowing the mold and mildew to take hold in your home. This can vary from repairing a leaky roof to sealing up leaking air-conditioning ducts, running a dehumidifier in your basement, or regrading your yard so that water runs away from your home’s foundation. 

In most cases, it is best to contact mold remediation technicians who have the proper training and equipment needed to rid your home of mold and mildew. Rather than put your home and your health at risk, take the necessary steps to remove mold and mildew ASAP.

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