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Keep Your Home Clean, Make It A Routine

Why is it important that we maintain the cleanliness of our surroundings and our body?

A clutter-free and clean environment is an important factor when it comes to our mental and physical health. Doesn’t it make you feel more tired coming home from work to a place that is so messy? While a place that is clutter-free and orderly makes you feel relaxed? While being clutter-free and orderly is an indicator if a place is in a clean state, it is also important to sanitize your surroundings and your body parts. Germs are everywhere and they can spread faster than we can imagine. They can go from any surface to our hands then to our mouth. These microorganisms cannot be seen by the eye so how do we fight them? 

What can we do to prevent the spread of germs at home? Here are a few pointers to ensure cleanliness at home and in our body: 

Pointer #1. Disinfect high-touch surfaces. 

Any surface inside the house can be full of germs so it is important that we disinfect all surfaces regularly. The surfaces that are often touched like the doors and window handles, kitchen table surfaces, light switches, flush handles, and shared equipment should be disinfected on a daily basis as these surfaces can spread germs and viruses exponentially.  It is also a good idea to sanitize your electronic devices (for example cellular phones, keyboards, remote controls, and touchscreen devices) as these devices are almost always in our hands. 

Clean and sanitise your home not just before receiving a visitor but also after receiving visitors. It is also important to sanitise when someone inside the house is sick to avoid the spread of viruses and/or bacteria. When you have children at home, toys and other things they play with must be sanitised and put away safely after use. 

Use soap and water or you can use disinfectant products to sanitize surfaces and make sure to wear your gloves during the cleaning process. Follow instructions in the label of your preferred disinfectant to ensure your safety. 

Pointer #2. Sanitize your hands.

One of the fastest ways germs spread is through our hands. You touch so many surfaces then touch your hands to your face and other body parts not realizing you are spreading germs and can possibly get yourself sick. That is why it is important to practice pointer number one, disinfect surfaces. 

To also ensure your health, wash your hands regularly when available and always carry alcohol-based hand sanitiser to use when you touch unsanitized surfaces inside or outside your home. Remember that germs can be contracted anywhere, you can be the one to bring it home and spread it to other family members so it is important to disinfect your hands with hand sanitizer when hand washing is not available. Hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer is your best defense against the transmission of harmful germs. To properly rid your hands of germs, follow these simple steps: 

  1. Wet your hands with clean running water. 
  2. Lather your hands with soap and scrub together.
  3. Scrub every part of your hands, in between the fingers and your nails. Do this for at least 20 – 30 seconds. 
  4. Rinse your hands with clean water. 
  5. Dry your hands with a clean towel. 

Pointer #3. Set a cleaning schedule and tidying up rules. 

Set a rule at home and be firm with it. Make sure that everyone follows the rules and keep in mind the importance of being clean. Clean surroundings have many benefits like it helps you think clearer, lessens frustration, and is also a way of showing your family that you care for their health and safety. 

A cleaning schedule may also be established so that every family member gets involved. With a cleaning schedule, every activity will be a routine that will help make it possible for everyone to make it into a habit. 

Wrapping Up

Cleaning and disinfection of surfaces at home must be made a routine to protect yourself from any sickness that can be brought by germs lurking on those surfaces. Aside from disinfection high touch surfaces, it is also a must to sanitize your hands before touching anything else to also avoid its spread if hand washing is not available. Good personal hygiene and sanitary measures at home is a very good defense against germs and viruses. This must be a routine practiced by every family member to safeguard each other from any sickness. 

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