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Is It Time to Replace Those Old Windows?

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Your home’s windows not only provide a lookout into the world, but also provide you with heat, retention of cool air, and add style to your home. Windows are generally part of your home that last for a long time, and high-quality, well-maintained windows can last for 20 years or more. Windows are strong but, unfortunately, they do not last forever. If your windows are more 15 years old, then pay attention to your windows to be aware if they need replacement.

Your windows are made from single-pane glass.

If your windows are single pane glass, then you may need to replace your windows. This is because homes with cheap or poorly-performing windows might be losing you more money in energy costs than they are saving by avoiding replacement.

Your windows are in bad condition

Besides the fact that your windows could be releasing energy, windows in bad condition can also allow water leakage, humidity, or pest issues. Windows that are non-operational, have cracks, or rotting frames should all be replaced.

Your windows are damaged, warped, or broken

Even though it is sometimes possible to repair a damaged window instead of replacing it, this is only possible if the problem is minor. Minor problems might include the need for new weatherstripping or new hardware. Replacing damaged, warped, or broken window frames and sashes are typically better to replace.

Your windows tend to fog up

If your windows fog up or tend to let in a draft, then it is time to replace them. This means that their seal no longer functions properly.

You have problems opening and closing

If you are having trouble keeping your windows open or they tend to stick when opening or closing them, you need to replace your windows.

Your windows seem like a safety concern

Windows that do not open or shut fully, are weak or have not had their required maintenance should all be replaced. In the event of an emergency you need to be able to exit your home through any window necessary.

You are looking to reduce your energy bill

During the winter, windows can provide heat by letting sunlight in. If you have drafty windows, then your energy bill can be up to 25% higher than it should be. If you replace your old windows with new, energy-efficient ones, you can not only reduce your heating bill, but also your bill in the summer!

Insulation glass comes in various sizes and variations, and all windows are not created equal. This makes it very important to consider your location and climate. Additionally, if you ever plan to sell your home, energy-efficient windows will increase your market value and be a big selling point.

You are renovating a historic home

If you have been living in a historic home for many years, then you may be looking to replace its old windows. You may have also recently moved into a historic home that has already had replacement windows installed but are in a bad material such as vinyl.

Poorly chosen windows on a historic home can ruin its beautiful look. By installing historically accurate replacement windows, you can continue the incredible legacy of your home.

You want to upgrade or change the look of your home

Windows are one feature on your home that can completely change its look and style. If your windows are looking worn, or are an outdated style, then changing them could completely change the look of your home. Especially if the color of your windows is fading, or even warping, then you may way not upgrade the look of your home.

If you once purchased “trendy” windows at the time, a decade later these may no longer be so trendy. If you feel you fell into a design trend at one point when picking your windows, then it might be time to pick a more timeless style.

Your home went through a severe storm

For those who live in hurricane zones, tornado zones, or other severe weather event areas, you may already be used to repairing your windows. Even if your home is in a location on the coast, you might see this on your home’s exterior in the form of wear from humidity, sea salt, or coastal winds.

Specifically, if you have gone through a severe weather event, you may have completely broken or damaged windows. This is a time when you can replace these windows and decide upon whether you would like to purchase windows of a stronger material such as fiberglass.

For more information on replacing your old windows

If you are looking to replace your old windows, or want some information regarding your options, contact JDI Windows, a Denver Amerimax Windows company.

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