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How to Set Up a Home Office

With fluctuating restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more people are finding the need for a home office. Since you’ll likely be spending eight hours of your day in this space, you want to ensure that it’s comfortable and well-equipped. When working from home for a long period of time, it’s important to create a working space that’s separate from your living space. Otherwise, it can feel like your work and home life are overlapping too much, which contributes to stress and discomfort. So, what do you need to establish your very own home office?

Buy or Build a Computer

There aren’t many professions that function without a computer, making this the most essential element of your home office. If your particular profession is especially tech-driven, you may wish to build your computer yourself to ensure that it can facilitate everything that you need to do. There are several video tutorials online that will teach you how to build a computer and walk you through your internal power supply and other components. However, if you merely need a computer for general admin purposes, investing in a reliable laptop will suffice.

Invest in a Comfortable Chair

In the absence of a comfortable chair, your back and posture will suffer. Therefore, investing in a proper office chair is certainly worth your while. A basic chair with ample back support will typically set you back roughly $50, though if you’re looking for a high-end option, you may well be looking at $1000. However, you may not need to consider back support alone, but also thigh and arm support. As well as these provisions for your health, you should also consider your room’s design and color scheme to select your shape, material, and color.

Buy a Desk

Though it may be cheaper to simply bring a standard table into your office, this won’t have the same capabilities or functionality as a desk. Desks are designed for the purpose of working meaning that they’re equipped with space for plenty of equipment, as well as storage space for stationery and such. No home office is complete without the presence of a proper desk. Visit EverDesk+ to get your own top-quality desk.

Buy a Second Monitor

If your office has a second monitor, you’ll really struggle to adapt to your laptop screen alone. A second monitor allows for better productivity when it comes to researching, writing, designing, and coding. For the best results, you should be on the hunt for a monitor that is the same brand as your laptop as this makes the screen experience more transferrable and easier to manage.

Buy a Mouse and Keyboard

When using a laptop, it can be fiddly and time-consuming to use the trackpad. Similarly, if your laptop is sitting towards the back of your desk, it will be difficult to reach the keyboard. For ultimate comfort, convenience, and productivity, you can’t be without a mouse and keyboard.

Add Some Green Plants

Not only will a handful of green plants incorporate some color into your office environment, but they’re also said to reduce stress and boost happiness. In fact, plants are said to increase productivity by up to 15%. As well as this, plants improve air quality, making your working environment much more breathable. Despite this, some plants can be tricky to care for, so you should opt for a low-maintenance option as a dying plant may not have the same positive effects.

Work from Home in Style

If working from home has become or is soon to become your norm, you may as well invest in your working space. What will you do with your home office?

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