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Tips On Finding Schools When Moving To a New Area

When Moving, Do Your Research!

It is commonly said that moving to a new area presents one of the biggest challenges that most people have to face. Moving can be expensive and it will require time, resourcefulness and careful planning in order for you to keep your sanity while making sure everything goes smoothly. You need to know where you are going, what kind of jobs are out there and how much they pay, whether the school system is good and many other things.  Luckily for you, we’ve put together this compilation with all the information you’ll need in order not only to survive your relocation but also thrive in it.

PRO TIP: Read these moving tips for summer 2021!  We know they will be super helpful!

Find Out About The School System

When moving into a new home you absolutely must check its school system right away because schools play a huge part in our everyday life and, obviously, the one of our children. After all we are raising them for adulthood and teaching them everything they need to know in order to keep moving forward. We want them to be happy there, not stuck in their peer groups or struggling with poor grades because the system is failing to meet their needs.  A good school system will give your kids a good education and prepare them for college or even better jobs right after graduation.

Learn More About The Neighborhood

How do you find out whether a certain neighborhood has a good school system? Well, if you have already started looking around for real estate , look at the surrounding schools when visiting homes on the market. You can also ask your real estate agent about existing houses that come with a view of the school. Sometimes you can also find out about the quality of local schools by asking your friends and family members who live in that area, by checking online or even by talking to someone from the city government. Some cities offer detailed information on their public schools which should be easily accessible via official websites or phone calls to different departments.

Visit The School

Another good option is visiting the school itself. It doesn’t hurt to drop by unannounced during office hours and see if anyone will give you a tour around the facilities or answer questions for you. That way they won’t have any choice but take you seriously and help you out so it might save you time looking into that school further later on, especially if what they tell you sounds appealing.


Apart from looking at the school’s facilities and speaking with someone from the administration or faculty, you might also want to check out their academic numbers. After all they are the ones that really tell you whether a certain school is good for your kids. You can easily look up test scores on websites for local high schools but if you want to check more than one place at once, it would be better to call any different departments in charge of education in your area and ask them about each individual school or school district. That way you get a more complete picture since some schools excel in areas which others fail so it shouldn’t just be about overall grades – it should be about how everyone does there.

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