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6 Reasons To Declutter Before Renovating Your Home

Are you planning on renovating your home in the near future?

Renovating can be a stressful process, especially if you’re not sure how to start.

There’s a wide variety of ways that you can renovate your home. Some people like to completely transform their homes with new flooring, appliances and decoration. Others like the challenge of doing everything themselves when renovating their home.

But one of the more common reasons why people don’t look forward to it is because it can get incredibly messy! Not to mention, physically demanding.

But there are good reasons too. Here are 6 good reasons to declutter your home before starting the renovation itself.

1) Decluttering your space to make it easier for contractors and builders

Builders are busy people. If your home is filled with clutter and grime the moment they step in, you’ll be taking precious time and energy out of their hands to clean your mess up.

So why not get rid of some of those old boxes and suitcases that are cluttering up your space already? Imagine how much more room there will be when everything is gone. That’ll make it easier for the contractors to do what they need to do. If they’re in a time crunch, they can spend more time tightening bolts and cutting wood to precision as well. Much better than sweeping last week’s leftovers.

2) Decluttered home saves you money and energy

The last reason to declutter your space is it can help save you some time and money. If you clean your home yourself, you can save some money by not going to a cleaning specialist. If you’d rather have a cleaning specialist like 1300 Rubbish do the brunt of the physical work for you, you can rest easy knowing that experts are ensuring your place is spotless.

Whichever you pick, you’re sure to reap the rewards you opted to go for.

3) You can throw away or sell the stuff you don’t need

Another good reason to declutter your home before renovations is because it can help you figure out what needs throwing away and what may be worth selling. A lot of people have items in their homes they don’t need anymore, but not everyone wants to get rid of them!

If your old shirts or books aren’t in good enough condition to be given away, then you can just throw them out. Once again, this will save time and energy for the contractor when there is less clutter in your home. You won’t have to worry about finding something to do with all your old clothes, shoes and books. Plus, you’ll be shedding some light on the extra storage space that’s been eluding you for years now.

4) You can see what needs fixing on the walls and floors of your house

Renovating starts with envisioning what kind of design you want to create in your living space. It makes sense to make a list of what needs fixing on the walls and floors.

If you have cracks in your wall, it may be cheaper to just repaint them rather than to get rid of the whole section. Plus, if you’ve got peeling paint or wallpaper that looks worn out, then you can replace it without having to worry about other walls that look fine for now.

This way, you can make a list of what needs fixing and your contractor will know exactly how much time and effort they’ll need to put into each section of the house.

5) Clutter can attract bugs and rodents

Clutter and rotting trash can lead to rodent and insect infestation, which we all don’t want anything to do with. So it’s best to get rid of them straight from the source by decluttering your home before renovations.

One way to do it is by keeping your windows open for at least three days in a row to air out the place. If you really want to make sure it’s bug-free, you can invest in anti-insect solutions and bug spray. That way, you won’t need to worry about wasps or cockroaches making any unwelcome appearances.

6) Decluttering will allow you to find things more quickly and easily

Find things more quickly? How might that be possible? Well, it may seem intuitive, but once you’ve decluttered your home it means there’s less stuff to look through. So if you’re searching for certain items, such as a hammer, there’s more chance of actually finding it.

This is good for two reasons. Firstly, you don’t have to run around your home looking for a tool that should be easy to find. Secondly, you’re not holding up the contractor because they can’t do anything without the necessary tools—and they won’t have to stop what they’re doing just because you haven’t found them yet.

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