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13 Best Whole House Water Filters [2020 Review] | Home Remodeling Contractors

13 Best Whole House Water Filters [2020 Review] | Home Remodeling Contractors

Amebiasis, typhoid fever, cholera, giardia, and norovirus infection.  

These are just some of the diseases you and your family can get if you are still drinking unsafe water. Every year, millions of people around the world die because of water-borne diseases, especially in developing countries.  

But impure water does not just negatively impact your health. In industrialized countries, water abundant in calcium and magnesium causes the build-up of scale in pipes, as well as in appliances that use water, such as dishwashers, coffee makers, and washing machines. Excessive amounts of certain harmful compounds in water can also cause fluorosis, arsenic poisoning, and lead poisoning.

The invention of water filters has greatly helped in reducing the number of fatalities who have contracted water-borne diseases and water-related poisoning. Plus, water filters have also extended the lifespan of pipes, dishwashers, and washing machines.

There are a lot of water filters available for ordinary homeowners today, but one particular product we’re going to focus on is the whole house water filtration system. Unlike faucet-mounted or on-counter filters, whole house water filters are not just connected to the faucet where you get your drinking water. 

This type of water filter is used to treat every drop of water that enters your home. The majority of whole house water filters can absorb sand, dirt, and other sediments. Some can block heavy metals and volatile organic compounds from passing through your faucets. Other units are equipped with germicidal UV filters that get rid of bacteria, viruses, and other microbes.hole house water filtration systems, however, are expensive. You also have to modify your pipes or have a plumber do it for you to install the units. Some products also need professional maintenance.

A lot of whole house water filtration systems, however, are expensive. You also have to modify your pipes or have a plumber do it for you to install the units. Some products also need professional maintenance.

Another downside of using some whole house water filtration systems is the removal of chlorine which results in the slow yet steady growth of microbes in the pipes of your home.

Choosing The Best Whole House Water Filtration System


There are different types of filters, and each filter is designed to block certain types of contaminants. Some filters only absorb sediments, such as clay, silt, sand, rust, or anything that causes turbidity in water. 

Activated carbon filters can block organic contaminants and chlorination byproducts from entering your home. Some types of activated carbon filters can even absorb pesticides, herbicides, and cleaning solvents. But this type of filter cannot effectively block bacteria, lead, nitrates, and copper.

Another type of filter available for homeowners is kinetic degradation fluxion. It uses a process called oxidation-reduction or redox to block hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, iron, and mercury from entering your home’s water supply. Redox can also reduce the presence of algae, bacteria, and fungi in the water you use.

If you want to remove bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms, then you can check out UV filters. These filters use a method called ultraviolet germicidal irradiation to destroy molds, viruses, and bacteria.

Keep in mind that not all filters are created equal. Before buying a whole house filtration system, check the filter’s capacity as this can affect its longevity. Some can filter as little as 15,000 gallons of water before they need to be replaced, while others can go as much as 1,000,000 gallons before you have to replace them. 

Flow Rate

Whole house water filters have different flow rates. Smaller water filters produce as little as 7 to 10 gallons per minute, and that’s fine if you have a small home with one or two bathrooms plus kitchen or your household has fewer members.

But if you have a large house with a kitchen and multiple bathrooms or you have multiple family members who sometimes need to use the bathroom during a certain time of day, then look for whole house water filters with higher flow rates. 

Household Water Consumption

Determine and consider your household’s water consumption when choosing the best whole house water filtration system. It can be tempting to buy a cheap water filter, but if your water consumption is through the roof, the cost of replacing the filters every month will be more expensive in the long run.

But keep in mind that some good-quality and expensive water filters clog up when they are not used frequently or if the water that passes through them for some time is insufficient. 

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